
Flora in our region.


Espino (Acacia Caven)

Specially adapted to desert, the espino is a small tree with yellow flowers mini-leafes divided in two sections, very comon in the valley areas.

Cactus (Echinopsis Chiloensis)

This tipe of cactus can grow up to 7 meters, white flower, also it gives a eatable fruit called Copao locally. This cactus is mainly found on hills and low montains.

Chagual (Puya Chilensis)

Tipical tipe of cactus also in hills and montains, the Chagual has very agresive and sharp leafes.

Quintral (Tristerix aphyllus)

Parasite flower grow on cactus, no leafes it feeds of  the cactus, with time it kills the cactus.

Sandillon (Eriosyce Aurata)

Tipe of cactus grows up to 70 cm completely round, from 500m amsl to 2000m amsl cant resist snow but can resist during small periods temperatures -5ºC(23ºf).

Chinita (Chaetanthera glabrata)

Yellow flower, water from condesation not from earth we can find this flower from 500m amsl to 2000m amsl.

Cistanthe longiscapa

Purple flower grows from the coast up to 2000m amsl. Semi dessert areas with no more than 100mm rain per year.

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